Wednesday 10 October 2012

Long time

Though its been way too long since I blogged (I am too embarrassed to mention just how long), I am bursting with creative ideas, DIY inspiration, the glory of upcycling,  my growing addiction to instagram, a longing for my sewing-machine buried under the rubble of the 'spare room' (otherwise known as the pit), and just the pure joy of making things. Here I sit with my moleskin ideas book and fresh felt tipped pen, my sketch journal, my daily diary which also incidentally got buried in the spare room, pinterest site open, statigram, instagram, twitter and yes, the blog. I do plan to get it going again. I want to post pics, ideas, things to sew, furniture I plan to renovate, decor I intend to scatter about my little housie, a foray into baking and whatever else I might be inspired to do. Instead of keeping all these ideas tucked away in the recesses of my e-files I thought I might just blog about them! So here's to inspiration, here's to spare time, here's to order from chaos, here's to beauty, here's to the therapy of creating something lovely.  


  1. I am so happy about this Bear, you write beautifully and have such great ideas.. I especially love the last sentence of this post:)

  2. :) So great Bear that you are on the "making stuff" band-wagon again. I've been left behind on the trail somewhere along the way :)Hopefully will catch up soon. Love you lots, and look forward to the awesome things you are going to create.
